Criminal Law
Offences against the person include all those actions that harm or violate the individual’s fundamental assets including life, health, physical and mental integrity, honor and freedom.
Offences against property include all those actions that violate the economic sphere of the individual and/or legal persons and are aimed at protecting the illicit accumulation of wealth to the detriment of the victim; including theft, robbery, fraud, extortion, damage, receiving stolen goods and money laundering.
The Office deals with the defense of the criminal aspects of employment law, in relation to violation, negligent or intentional, of laws on accidents and on the protection of safety and hygiene in the workplace, with particular regard to the assistance of senior positions such as "Employers".
Following the introduction of Legislative Decree 231/2001, all Bodies must arrange an organisational and control model aimed at identifying profiles of criminal liability within senior parties who have acted unlawfully on behalf of the Body for their own and/or other interests.
The set of all the violations of the Highway Code relevant for criminal purposes, potential crimes such as drunk or drug driving, as well as all the new types of crime recently introduced such as vehicular homicide and injuries due to violation of the Highway Code.
A branch of criminal law relating to all offences committed within companies and including all criminal offences relating to the economic crime, such as false corporate communications, assets misconduct, fraudulent bankruptcy, illegal profit-sharing, omitted communication of conflict of interest, fictitious formation of capital, agiotage, etc..